Thursday, December 31, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009

Benjamin says Merry Christmas everyone!
Benjamin and Aidan went for a ride in his new wagon.

Benjamin plays with his new bristle blocks with his
hat that Grammie knitted for him.

Aunt Jewel and Marcus

Uncle Barney modeling his new coat

Aunt Glory and Benjamin in matching Santa hats

Marcus and Aidan in their matching camo hats that Grammie
crocheted for them.
Grammie and Grandpa Kipapa
The Harrell boys

Benjamin's first ride in his wagon from Gran and Poppy

Benjamin was a little sleepy when we opened Christmas presents.

But he was really excited when he got his new wagon!
Benjamin helped me wrap presents, or maybe he just wanted to play...
What green glitter cookie?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Benjamin and his Auntie Jewel
Benjamin was a monkey for Halloween. He wouldn't be still enough for us to take a picture, so Brandon had to hold him.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

"Just walking on my treadmill..."

Playing with toys
Benjamin isn't a baby anymore - he's a little boy!

I thought it would be funny to give him my marathon medal - he wore it around the house for almost an hour! Then he thought it was fun to play with Brandon's weights.

"Am I laughing or crying?"
Benjamin's first time to eat Cheetos. We were at Fawn Ridge for their Fall cookout.

Geaux Tigers!

Goodbye for now!